In October 2021, I found a photo on the internet of a duck that seemed to be bursting with laughter, with a fresh concrete floor covered with paw prints in the background. That was Herman's conception. I decided to paint the duck with his masterpiece. Then I decided to let Herman relive all the lessons I learned myself in the field of art, drawing and painting. He got his own instagram page: hermanstudiesart, and is a favorite item in various painting groups on facebook. On this page you will find all Hermanns, newest at the top.
In oktober 2021 vond ik een foto op het internet van een eend, die leek te schaterlachen, met op de achtergrond een verse betonvloer vol met pootafdrukken. Dat was de conceptie van Herman.
Ik besloot de eend met zijn meesterwerk te schilderen. Daarna besloot ik alle lessen die ik zelf leerde op het gebied van kunst, tekenen en schilderen te laten herbeleven door Herman. Hij kreeg zijn eigen instagrampagina: #hermanstudiesart, en is een geliefd gegeven in verschillende schildergroepen op facebook. Op deze pagina vind je alle Hermannen, nieuwste bovenaan.
Herman did not mind painting with no clothes on in his own bathroom. Because he experienced this to be so much easier cleaning up after. Him wearing nothing more than his old headphones seemed a little awkward though. But what the hek. He really couldnt stand all the talking of the colors on his canvas to each other anymore. And these ring necked parakeets were rather noisy fellows also!Poor Herman! He took his paintinglessons so seriously. When he was to do a lesson called Wild Windy Hair, with not a leaf stirred that day, he felt he had to buy a blonde wig and rent a giant windturbine…So. Herman told himself he really needed to make a surrealistic painting. But in the end somebody might as wel have told him to walk on water.So Herman gathered all of his brothers and sisters and lined them up after his lesson ‘whiten your whites’. They did not like that in the first place. But when he started to compare their fathers with toothpaste and deodorantbottlecups they really got mad. And when he finally got back with his large screen to put them all on contrast, they were gone.This morning Herman got up early. He took all his stuff outside and was all set for the sun painting competition. Unfortunately, he couldn’t choose from the colors he had at his disposal. In addition, the sun did not want to sit still. Herman forgot to eat and forgot to drink. He just could not get a go. So, hours and hours later, Herman noticed that everyone was already cycling home and the blackbird was singing the setting sun goodbeye.Herman taking a break, while at the painting contest about the subject ‘Sun’Herman needed to see how things look under the surface so he threw a giant strawberry in his pond. ( was not easy to be quick enough to observe the process at all!!)Herman was very happy to discover his class mates all to be birds of a feather!After using one of her eggs Herman could not say no when his sister asked him over to babysit her young ones. So he made the best of it.So Herman followed a lesson abouth form and depth and light… He was thinking perhaps his sister could help him and she lent him an egg allright. Ofcourse she made him promiss to be very careful, so he put it on cloths and grassy stuff…At Christmastime, Herman showed up in a lot of different paintingsSometimes Herman threw a quick abstract in betweenHerman sure felt a bit awkward, painting his very first nudeHerman decided to try a different perspective for once….Herman felt like the whole earth was moving after his first painting lesson about movementHerman wants to learn all about colors and compositionHerman posing in front of his first masterpiece